Create a wim image of windows installation

Boot a Windows PE image by dvd, usb or network.You will end up with a cmd prompt :X:\windows\system32\>wpeinitIF you want to work with a network location instead of a USB drive or local hdd you can map it with:net use n: \\networkpc\sharename passwords /user:usernameView partitions :diskpartlist volumeexitFor windows 7 :f:\imagex.exe /capture d: f:\mywin_c.wim “Win_Vol”and optional … Read more

Windows 10 retail usb 3.0 stick

Windows 10 comes on usb stick as media and if you install many you get a lot of them and they have good read speed. Unfortunately  the stick is firmware locked into read only mode and can’t be changed by any software manipulation, but need to be written the firmware with write active. I opened … Read more

Laptop drivers links

Link for big manufacturers support pages with drivers: Fujitsu Siemens : Acer :  Dell : HP : 

Keyboard has no num lock key

Open notepad and type the following two lines : set WshShell = CreateObject(“wScript.Shell”) WshShell.SendKeys “{NUMLOCK}” and save the file as numlock.vbs ( you might have to change in order to save it as vbs ). Every time you double click the file nothing appears on the screen, but the num lock function activates/deactivates.